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New Google Doc in Folder Trigger not Triggering

  • 27 September 2022
  • 2 replies



I have an automation setup from Glideapps to create a new google doc from a form submit. This works great!


I then have another automation set up:


Trigger: New Google Doc in Folder (The doc that the first Zap creates)

Action: Add Title and Link to Doc to a Spreadsheet.


Before anyone suggests I am well aware of multi step actions but I am not in a position to upgrade at the minute.


The issue I am facing is the  Zap isnt triggering automatically. Im assuming it is because The New Google Doc in Folder trigger is for manual creation of a Doc. When I run the Zap manually it works exactly how I want it to.


Any Ideas? 







Best answer by Troy Tessalone 27 September 2022, 21:28

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Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @Matt_Fusion 

Good question.

The GDoc New Doc in Folder Zap trigger is NOT instant.

With a polling trigger, Zapier will request data from your trigger every 1 to 15 minutes in order to start your Zap, depending on your pricing plan.

Check your Zap Runs after some time to see if the Zap triggered:


Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Hey there, @Matt_Fusion! I wanted to pop in and see how you’re doing with this?

Keep us posted, we’d love to know! 🙂
