Hi! I have a zap set up: email the pdf of new file in a shared google drive folder. The zap normally works but on occasion, when moving an existing file from an outside folder that is within the same shared drive (into the folder assigned to the zap), it does not trigger and zapier does not reflect an error.
I am aware that edits need to be made to an existing file within four days of the move. I have tested making edits before moving, closing the file and waiting on a zap and the zap still isn’t running.
Additional background:
We have private domain google email accounts (bocataq.com) as well as a gmail.com account that access these files.
The shared drive is on the private domain (bocataq.com) but files are normally generated by the google.com user.
The zap normally triggers when either the bocataq.com or google.com accounts create and move the files into the folder.
The file that triggers the zap is a google sheet.