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New Contact Trigger is not triggering my Zap

  • 26 July 2022
  • 6 replies

Hi!  Has anyone else had issues with the Triggers?  I am initiating off of a new contact and that does not seem to be starting my Zap. The documentation with Apollo is unclear what exactly counts as a new contact- is it saving the contact to a list or a different step. 



6 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Hey @KTinBK2, so sorry for the trouble here! Looking into this a bit, you might be experiencing a bug with the New Contract Trigger. Could you try turning your Zap off/on and then trying again to see if that helps? If not, let us know and we can add you to the bug report as an affected user.

Thanks @jesse!  I turned on and off and tried another new contact and I’m still not seeing the trigger work (not appearing in history either). 

I’m a consultant and the account for this is under a different user- should I flag a support case on that account too?


Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Hey @KTinBK2, so sorry for the trouble here! Looking into this a bit, you might be experiencing a bug with the New Contract Trigger. Could you try turning your Zap off/on and then trying again to see if that helps? If not, let us know and we can add you to the bug report as an affected user.


Thanks so much for confirming that, @KTinBK2. I went ahead and added you to the bug report!

We’ll definitely keep you in the loop once a fix is in place. And yes, please! Feel free to open a ticket and link to this community post! Or if they have a community account, feel free to comment here and we can add it that way too. 🙂

I have the same issue, creating new contact in Apollo that will trigger new contact in Airable but this is gong eb turned off automatically. how can i solve it?

Userlevel 1

I am having the same Issue. When I save or even update a contact in Apollo. The ZAP does not trigger

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hi @Jhatam and @AndrewJoe, I’m so sorry we missed your posts here previously!  

You’ve both been added to the list of folks being impacted by this issue. While I can’t provide any ETA as to when the Apollo app’s developers planning on resolving this we’ll be sure to notify you both by email the moment it’s fixed. 

I’m not super familiar with Apollo but it is possible for you to get an email notification from Apollo whenever a new contact is added?

If so, perhaps as a workaround you could try using an email parsing app as the trigger instead. For example you could set up a rule in your email account to automatically forward those email notifications to an Email Parser mailbox which would then parse out the contact’s information from the email. The Zap would be set to trigger on the forwarded emails that are parsed and then pass the relevant contact details to the subsequent actions in the Zap. If you are able to get email notifications sent to you for new contacts added in Apollo please check out our Trigger Zaps from new parsed emails guide for details on how to set up Email Parser as the trigger.

If you’re able to implement that workaround please let us know, keen to help get things up and running in the meantime. 🙂
