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New clients in Stripe not fetched


I’m trying to create a zap between Stripe and GetResponse. The trigger is “New Customer”, but Zapier doesn’t fetch the customers who make one-off payments. They’re marked as guests in Stripe. Is there a way to do this? I used to have a zap that worked for these customers too.

Thank you in advance!

4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @MartaS 

You may have to try a different Stripe trigger event.


The Stripe webhook event you're likely looking for, related to a successful one-off payment by a guest, is charge.succeeded.
This event is triggered whenever a charge is successful on Stripe's platform, which includes one-off payments.
You can find more details on this and other webhook events on Stripe's official event types documentation.



Thank you for your reply, Troy! The only problem is that I also have an active subscription on Stripe and wouldn’t like my subscription customers to be included in the workflow. 

Is there a way to select customers purchasing a specific product with zero developing skills?

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Filter step can be added to the Zaps:

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hey there @MartaS! 👋

Just came across this thread and wanted to check in to see how you’re getting on. Were you able to get this working by adding a filter like Troy suggested?

Happy to help if you’re still stuck at all, just let us know! 🙂
