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Is this formatting issue still the case?

Issue with the Formatter: the Formatter is looking for a valid phone number (based in the country selected) and if there’s something that doesn’t fit, then it wont format it.


If so, how do I use the code provided? Code by Zapier?

Welcome @akitay, thanks for joining us the Community! 

There was a bug report open for the issue that was discussed in that related topic in Community, but that’s since been closed so I wouldn’t have thought you’d need to use a Code step here.

If the numbers are correct but it’s not able to validate them, you could try turning off the validation option. To do that you’d need to set the Validate Phone Number? field to No:

Hope that helps. If it’s still running into issues after disabling that option let us know and we’ll go from there! 🙂

Welcome @akitay, thanks for joining us the Community! 

There was a bug report open for the issue that was discussed in that related topic in Community, but that’s since been closed so I wouldn’t have thought you’d need to use a Code step here.

If the numbers are correct but it’s not able to validate them, you could try turning off the validation option. To do that you’d need to set the Validate Phone Number? field to No:

Hope that helps. If it’s still running into issues after disabling that option let us know and we’ll go from there! 🙂


@SamB ah, changing the phone number validation to “no” did work, however, we have many different phone number country codes coming in so we cannot choose just one. In this instance I think the code provided in my initial post would still work best for my use case.
I have figured out how to use the code and it is working now 😊

Oh @akitay thanks for letting us know you had a solution and got your Zap up and working! Please come back to the Community any time! 


@akitay I use a combination of the OpenAI API and Numverify API available in Zapier to extract country and phone number, and format an existing number into a desired format using the OpenAI API and pass it to Numverify API for validation.


You get a formatted response like this



Final checks can be done with the Numverify API to check if it is a valid phone number.


Validation results

