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My Zap Turns Off Automatically with No Errors

  • 21 October 2023
  • 5 replies

I have two Zaps that use Google Tasks and they both turn off automatically after they run just once. I get this email that shows there are no errors, and in the Zap history, there are no errors. 


Can someone help me figure out why this Zap is turning off automatically and how to prevent it? 

Hi @stem_tutor 

Good question.

Check your Zap app connections:

Thanks Troy! My Zap connections test successful. 

Is it possible that Google Tasks can’t handle being in 4 Zaps?



My hunch is that it is related to Streak.

You can check the Zap > Details > Change History for more insights.

Replace XXXXX with the Zap ID:

I think that it is with Google Tasks. I have many other Zaps with streak and no issues. These are the only two Zaps with Google Tasks and they continually shut off.


You can try opening a ticket with Zapier Support:
