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Even after the stage in my pipeline changed, the task is still running. The clients are still receiving text from the previous stage. Why is this happening?

Only happen with this Zap not the on the email Zap. 

Hi @Ugrow 

Good question.

We would need to see detailed screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured in order to be able to evaluate and advise.

Like this one? 



You would need to add steps after the Delay steps to find the Pipedrive Deal again to get the current data about the Pipedrive Deal to then use that data in the Filter step.


Hi, Thanks for repying. :)

Like this one I did? I did condition, is it OK? (but not working) Is this what you mean? 



For example, between Steps 3-4 add this Step: Pipedrive - Find Deal

That way you get the current data bout the Pipedrive Deal after the Delay.

Then you can map the output from the new step to be used in the Filter condition.


Thanks, this, is the way to do every steps if the workflow is built like this? 

Delay / Find Deal / Condition



Yes, if you want current data after a Delay step, then you will need to add a step to find the Pipedrive Deal again.

Hi Troy,

The  Field is Deal Stage id, right? 

Like I did. 



For the Field to Search by, you need to select an option from the dropdown list. (e.g. ID)

For the field that appears below it, you will map the Deal ID from Step 1.

