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My Zap is creating duplicate events in Outlook from Google Calendar.

I have a Zap set up as follows:

  • New or Updated Event in Google Calendar » creates Event in Microsoft Office 365

Seems to work effectively, and pretty quickly.  Unfortunately I always see at least two events in outlook (the event is duplicated).  

I only have this one Zap creating anything in Outlook / MSFT Office.  

Any clues as to why it may be duplicating?

Hi @Fireproof 

Good question.

We would need to see detailed screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured to have context.

Check your Zap Runs to see the timestamps and DATA IN/OUT for each Zap step to help you trace and troubleshoot:

Hey Troy. Thanks for the quick help. I’m new to Zapier, so I appreciate it.  Okay - so I looked at the app history and it appears that it is only sending 1 new event to Outlook per trigger.  So I wonder if it’s a Microsoft problem??

Also - My outlook is on an Office 365 account.  Do you happen to know if I should be writing calendar events to Microsoft Office 365 or “Microsoft Outlook”?  Both are in the list. Not sure what the difference is.  Thanks again.


We would need to see screenshots to have more context about the duplicate events in the Calendar.




Can you provide screenshots that show examples of duplicated events in Outlook?




Could the duplicates be from manually testing the Zap step?


Also, the GCal trigger is for new or updated events.

That means the same event could trigger the Zap as a new event and later as an updated event.


Would this mean if someone responded/accepted the event - that would count as an “updated event” and it would added it again?  That might be what is happening if so.  Maybe I should just change it to “new” only.

Thanks again.


Best to test.
