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Hello, we realized last week that out Zap was disconnected from our LinkedIn account. We think this has been the case for a number of months. We use Zapier to create the LinkedIn sign ups as Leads in Salesforce.
This is occurring with LinkedIn, LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms. we have never had this issue before connecting to Salesforce, Mailchimp or Facebook. 

Why would the account disconnect like this? No changes have been made to the form.
Is there an alert we can setup to mitigate the impact?


Hi there @Integration curious,

I did some digging into this, and it seems like you cannot use more than one version of LinkedIn. So if you have one Zap connected to a Deprecated version of LinkedIn, and connects another Zap to the new version, that will invalidate the auth for the Deprecated version and the auth will be marked as Expired. (If you try to reconnect that Expired account, you’ll then disconnect the new version's auth! And so on...)

At this time the best solution is for you to make sure ALL your Zaps are on the newest version of LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms.

Hopefully, this helps.

