Tengo un zap en funcionamiento que consiste en llevar documentos pdf de la app Bitrix24 a Onedrive.
El zap Funciona, pero en el momento de llevar los archivos a Onedrive, el zap los duplica y sube el mismo documento dos veces.
No consigo encontrar el problema
Adjunto proceso para que lo puedan mirar e indicarme como solucionarlo.
Best answer by christina.dBest answer by christina.d
Hi @Hervas. I can see you were able to reach out to support and wanted to share their thoughts.
Looking at the Bitrix24 CRM app, it appears this is a private integration. With private integrations, Zapier has limited visibility into how the integration was set up, and therefore our ability to troubleshoot is also limited. In order to find the quickest solution to this issue, I would suggest reaching out to the developer who invited you as they will have much greater insight into this issue.
Hey there, @Hervas! Thanks so much for reaching out and sharing this!
I’m curious does this also show up twice in your zap history? If so it’s possible this may be an issue on the Bitrix24 side.
Either way I actually recommend opening a ticket with our friends in support for this one. 😔 It’s likely is going to require digging into some of your zap logs to get to the bottom of it.
Keep us posted though! We’d love to know what the final outcome is.
Hi @Hervas. I can see you were able to reach out to support and wanted to share their thoughts.
Looking at the Bitrix24 CRM app, it appears this is a private integration. With private integrations, Zapier has limited visibility into how the integration was set up, and therefore our ability to troubleshoot is also limited. In order to find the quickest solution to this issue, I would suggest reaching out to the developer who invited you as they will have much greater insight into this issue.