
Multiple Triggers for one Zap workflow?

  • 10 November 2023
  • 6 replies


First of all, I'm sorry if this question has been asked before.


I want to know if we can set multiple triggers for one Zap?


Here's the flow of my current Zap:

[trigger] New row created in Google Sheets --> Create new task in Asana


Here's what I want to achieve:

[trigger] New row created in Google Sheets --> Create new task in Asana --> Send email on Gmail --> [trigger] When the Asana task is completed --> Reply the Gmail thread


I know i can set up 2 Zaps, however by doing so, I'll won't be able to use data from the Google Sheets.



6 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +12


We need something that will allow us to get your google sheet row number to the second zap.

Some ideas…

  • Create a column in the google sheet that you could update in Zap #1 and search for in Zap #2
  • Write the google row number into a field in Asana so you will get the row number in Zap #2 when the Asana task is created

I have the two options mixed in here in Zap #1 and Zap #2, but you will get the idea.


Zap #1

[trigger] New row created in Google Sheets

[Action] Create new task in Asana - This is where you could add the google row # to the Asana task

[Action] Google Sheet - Update Row - This is where you could set a value in the new column and find it later in Zap #2

[Action] Send email on Gmail


Zap #2

[trigger] When the Asana task is completed - Option 1 - Your google sheet row is on the Asana record

[Action] Google Sheet - Find Row - Search using either the row # passed from the Asana task, or search on the  value that you saved from Zap #1

[Action] Reply the Gmail thread


Kind regards,

Zap Support


Thank you for your response.
I think Zap #2 row is set to search for only the specified row, is there any other way?
How do I recognize the content generated in Zap #1 as the same data in Zap #2 by any chance?
ex) If multiple data are entered at once in a short period (Zap #1)


We need something that will allow us to get your google sheet row number to the second zap.

Some ideas…

  • Create a column in the google sheet that you could update in Zap #1 and search for in Zap #2
  • Write the google row number into a field in Asana so you will get the row number in Zap #2 when the Asana task is created

I have the two options mixed in here in Zap #1 and Zap #2, but you will get the idea.


Zap #1

[trigger] New row created in Google Sheets

[Action] Create new task in Asana - This is where you could add the google row # to the Asana task

[Action] Google Sheet - Update Row - This is where you could set a value in the new column and find it later in Zap #2

[Action] Send email on Gmail


Zap #2

[trigger] When the Asana task is completed - Option 1 - Your google sheet row is on the Asana record

[Action] Google Sheet - Find Row - Search using either the row # passed from the Asana task, or search on the  value that you saved from Zap #1

[Action] Reply the Gmail thread


Kind regards,

Zap Support


Thank you for your response.
I think Zap #2 row is set to search for only the specified row, is there any other way?
How do I recognize the content generated in Zap #1 as the same data in Zap #2 by any chance?
ex) If multiple data are entered at once in a short period (Zap #1)

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @joel2024 

Give these Zaps and steps a try…


Zap 1

  1. Trigger: GSheets - New Row
  2. Action: Asana - Create Task
  3. Action: Gmail - Send Email
  4. Action: GSheets - Update Row
    1. Add these values to columns to reference in Zap 2
      1. Asana Task ID
      2. Gmail Thread ID


Zap 2

  1. Trigger: Asana - Completed Task
  2. Action: GSheets - Lookup Row
    1. Search for the Asana Task ID
  3. Action: Gmail - Replay to Email

Hi @joel2024 

Give these Zaps and steps a try…


Zap 1

  1. Trigger: GSheets - New Row
  2. Action: Asana - Create Task
  3. Action: Gmail - Send Email
  4. Action: GSheets - Update Row
    1. Add these values to columns to reference in Zap 2
      1. Asana Task ID
      2. Gmail Thread ID


Zap 2

  1. Trigger: Asana - Completed Task
  2. Action: GSheets - Lookup Row
    1. Search for the Asana Task ID
  3. Action: Gmail - Replay to Email

Thank you for your response.
I think Zap #2 row is set to search for only the specified row, is there any other way?
How do I recognize the content generated in Zap #1 as the same data in Zap #2 by any chance?
ex) If multiple data are entered at once in a short period (Zap #1)

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


You would search for the row based on the Asana Task ID by using a dynamic variable.

