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Hi There,


I use Microsoft To Do as my main task list app so i can share lists with family.  I use Motion to try to time block tasks for me automatically.  I want to have new tasks that I add into Microsoft To Do automatically add to Motion.  I also would like to have a task that is updated or completed in Microsoft To Do be updated or Completed in Motion.


I tried to use the direct connection but Motion was not liking some of the formatting, so I introduced a Google Sheet as a go between.  If a new Task is added to To Do, the Zap adds it to a Google Sheet, adjusts some of the date formatting, and then creates a new task in Motion.


I also created an update zap that looks at the To Do list and if a task is updated it will find the task in the google sheet based on the create Date and Time, update the sheet, then update Motion. 


I finally got both of these to work, but all of the sudden the Update zap started running on multiple tasks that I hadn’t updated, adding them into the Google Sheet, and then repeating the adds even though the tasks were already there an no changes were made.


Has this happened to anyone else?  Is this a known issue with Microsoft To Do?  I’ve burned through a ton of tasks due to these unchanged dupes and i can’t figure out why it’s happening.

Hi @lcfavo 

For us to have more context, post screenshots with how your Zap steps are outlined and configured.