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I have a scenario whereby I want to move all of the files in a google drive folder into a newly created google drive subfolder. 


I get as far as successfully creating the subfolder, however I am not sure how to move all of the files from the found folder in Step 2 into the new folder which I have named “_collapsed”. I also don’t want zapier to try to move my new “_collapsed folder” while trying to move everything else within the parent folder. 

Maybe Get Multiple Files isn’t the right action for my scenario. I just want to move all existing files and folders into the new subfolder called _collapsed (without moving _collapsed).

Thanks for your help!



Hi @millermiller 

Try adding this Zap action: Looping - Create Loop from Line Items

That allows you to iterate thru the returned results to move each individually via this Zap action: GDrive - Move FIle

Map the ID of the File to move.

Hello there @millermiller 👋

It’s been a while since you’ve posted here. Were you able to get it working by using Looping by Zapier as Troy suggested? Please do let us know whether you need any further help at all!