I am trying to connect Unbounce to a Monday board and Gravity forms to a Monday board. I have all the access in the three of them. Both Unbounce and Gravity forms work on trigger. When I try to test Monday I get error 400, bad requesting:
“Your Zap is likely to be missing a required field, or a field value wasn't in a recognized format. For example, if a field in your action step is expecting an email address, but the value given is a name, the app may return a 400 error.”
Im trying to create an item everytime a form is submited… It seems to be working with any other board except that one.
Whenever I choose the board I only get in display the item name input instead of all the other columns like its supposed to. Definitely its a problem with my board. I have Owner access to the board, I already duplicated it and put it in a personal space and made it sharable and public and it still wont show me the column fields, therefore I get the bad requesting error (I assume).
Is there any board configuration I might be doing wrong in Monday that is not letting Zapier show all the fields?
The action is “Create Item”, it is using my API Monday token.