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Missing Records when I try to Snapshot an Airtable view to Google sheets using Transfers

I am having trouble with Transfers.


I am trying to get a transfer to take a snapshot of a view in airtable once a week and add the data to a google sheet. There are approx 400 rows. However, every time I try to run it (whether it be "create spreadsheet row" or "Create multiple spreadsheet rows”) it only adds one or two of the rows.  What gives?

Hi @Wbricker3 

Good question.

Please post detailed screenshots with how your Transfer is configured in order for us to have more context, thanks.

Hey @Wbricker3,

Just checking in here. As Troy mentioned we need a bit more information to help you out. Would you mind sending over some screenshots of your Transfer setup? Also, would you mind elaborating a little bit on what you mean by “transfer to take a snapshot of a view in Airtable”? That will help us point you in the right direction! 🤗



On what I mean by snapshot

  • I want to take the values for all rows (records) and fields (columns) for a given airtable view and paste them into the end of a google table
  • I want to do this every week so I have a “snapshot” of what the airtable view contained each week so I can create a timeseries data set

On configuration, I have the setup as follows

  • I have mapped the columns from airtbale to Google sheets columns
  • I have no filters (so when I review the data I see all fields and records I want, I am obfuscating it here for
    privacy, but it has the right number of recrods)




Perhaps think about approaching this in a different way.

Airtable Automations have integrations with GSheets.

Create an Airtable Automation that triggers when a record enters a View.

You can configure filters on the View so only matching records enter.


That doesn't work for me given that I want to create a time series data set (not just transferring new or changed records, but all the records). Does that make sense? I am also more broadly worried about if I am missing something about how transfers work. 


With Airtable Automations, you can Find Records based on Conditions or a View.

Then you can use the Repeater option to loop thru each found record.


Ok, Will do via airtable then - thank you!