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My company hosts webinars. Individuals set up an online member account using memberspace, where they signup for a webinar. Then Zapier takes this information and automatically registers them on zoom for the webinar. All good.


We post the slides for downloading on our website, and also posts links to watch the watch webinar on-demand, after the live webinar has ended. We use memberspace content links, for these slides and videos, but memberspace cannot provide me with a report, showing when someone clicks on these content links. 


It seems like Zapier only works with member plan changes on memberspace, not with content links. is that true? 


Is it possible to create some type of customized zap, for this application?


Hi @RonGerber 

I recommend reaching out to MemberSpace Support to get guidance about the feasibility for what you are trying to do.

It may involve webhooks.