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Meetgeek Next Steps output incorrectly comes with extra info

Hi all, 

  • Doing a quick Meetgeek (new meeting) → Zapier → Slack (specific channel with just the Highlights, and Next Steps)
    • Highlights look good (formatted correctly)
    • Next Steps however come with additional tags that should not be in the output

Example from what is outputted:

Slack message:

Highlights: ;this is correct]
Client Update and Technical Issues
* PersonX raised a concern regarding the norm sets... eI cut off the rest]

Next steps: ;This comes with the extra tags]
end_millis: 138500
es_id: Eo-3c5EBKtJoTgXXX
first_sentence_id: SYy3c5XXXX
label: Next steps
rephrased: PersonX planned to set up a meeting to finalize the import file and ensure everything works correctly, indicating a clear next step in their workflow.
start_millis: 126813


Does anyone know how to fix this? Thanks


Hey @SvdL ,


Can you share the screenshot of your Zap?

Hi there, of course, see attached (does that show enough detail for you?



Hey @SvdL ,


Can you tell us which tags do you want to remove from below message?


Yes, I can: 

  • End_millis: + +value]
  • es_id: + +value]
  • first_sentence_id: + +value]
  • label:
  • rephrased:   
  • start_millis: + svalue]


So basically only:

Next steps:

  • PersonX planned to...


Hey @SvdL ,


In your Zap you can add Formatters by Zapier app. Than select → Text → Split.Text


This will solve your problem.


Thanks for the hint, we have been playing a little with your answer, but then moved to a Regex to extract the ‘rephrased’ elements with: 


And Line-items to text to split them to separate lines. But it turned out that the text we tested on was different then how Meetgeek actually sends it forward.


Do you have a few more hints for me maybe? Thanks!


Hi @SvdL,
Great question! We wanted to let you know that we’ve updated the integration. The additional tags will no longer be sent to Slack. This should resolve the issue you were experiencing with the extra information being included in the outputs.
If you encounter any further issues or have any other feedback, feel free to reach out to our MeetGeek team 🙂

Hi @Darya_MeetGeek, yes, indeed! Thank you for picking this up (and updating that here as well!) 


On a different note: it ran smoothly on Friday, however today we encounter a different issue where the Meetgeek bot is automatically kicked out of the Google Meets after a couple of seconds :( 

Hi @Darya_MeetGeek, yes, indeed! Thank you for picking this up (and updating that here as well!) 


On a different note: it ran smoothly on Friday, however today we encounter a different issue where the Meetgeek bot is automatically kicked out of the Google Meets after a couple of seconds :( 

Thank you for pointing out this behavior. It definitely should not happen. Please reach out to our Customer Success team via the chat in your MeetGeek account, so they can review the logs and identify the cause.

@Darya_MeetGeek Thanks, I did and they reported it was fixed. Thanks again
