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Keeping the files by zap file address from changing

  • 24 August 2024
  • 3 replies

I’m using Files by Zap to export a value from a spreadsheet into a text value. I have a code that grabs that text value and uses it in a code for an updating progress bar. The value changes but when someone new donates, it updates the same field.

An issue I’ve run into is that even though the file name is the same, the actual web link that it links to, changes.

Hi @Annie Krevice 

For us to have more info, post screenshots with how your Zap steps are outlined and configured in EDIT mode along with specific examples of the link you referenced.

The Zap creates a file at the end like this, the url at File is the thing I use in my code but that url changes everytime and isn’t a static link.

The solution I might’ve found was to upload it to dropbox but we need to see if another donation changes the file link when the .txt updates.

@Annie Krevice 

The link generated by the Zap step is a temp file link that expires after 1 hour.


Try this Zap action: GDrive - Replace File

That will keep the same file link.

