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Kartra Error: Executing searches.get_lead.operation.perform with bundle {"message":"An error has occured in your request."} Console logs: ` as error, which we cannot read.

  • 28 July 2022
  • 3 replies

Hello, I have a zap that starts with a webhook when a new user creates an account in our custom portal and then step 2 is using their email to retrieve lead details in Kartra. Following this step is a path that if the user does not exist, then a new user in kartra is created but either way the lead is updated with tags. The error is always with the Kartra app in Step 2 when it does occur. And the message is always the exact same which neither myself or Kartra can decipher but since its the same message I am hoping someone knows the answer since I have been ping-ponged back and forth between the 2 companies with no solutions when going through traditional support channels.  The message in the error in the zap history always reads:

 The app returned `{"message":"An error has occured in your request."} 

What happened: Executing searches.get_lead.operation.perform with bundle {"message":"An error has occured in your request."} Console logs: ` as error, which we cannot read.


If this solution is already posted please accept my apologies but I could not find it when doing a search on support articles.

Hey there, @thor1! So sorry to hear you’re running into this but definitely appreciate you flagging this in the Community. Also appreciate you being so thorough in advising of the steps you’ve taken thus far to troubleshoot! It’s super helpful.

I did some poking around but wasn’t able to find a related ticket to this on our end. Was it possibly under a different email address? The reason I ask, is as much as I dislike redirecting you again, I do think opening a ticket is the best path forward. 

You truly are in the best of hands with our support team! They have the ability to pull your zap logs and dig a bit deeper than we can in the Community. Feel free to link them to this topic though so you don’t have to explain the steps you’ve taken thus far! Hopefully that’ll give us a bit more insight as to what the problem is and get you back on track.

Please continue to keep us posted! We definitely want to make sure you’re all squared away with this! 

Thank you @christina.d very much for the great advice. You are absolutely right and I might even be confusing different tickets on different subjects so I will open it up and see what happens. I will try to find the time and come back and update this as well in case anyone else has had this error.  

I wanted to swing back around and update this topic. It looks like @thor1 is running into a known bug with the Kartra app where the "Subscribe Lead to List" and "Retrieve Lead Details" and "Create New Lead" actions isn’t surfacing the proper error messages. 😔

We’ll be sure to keep the topic updated once a solution is in place! Thanks so much for flagging this in the Community.