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Jotform to Zoho Books Zap: Invoice due date is incorrect

  • 26 June 2024
  • 1 reply

hi, I have an issue with dates in Zapier.

I have created a Zap to link Jotform and ZohoBooks.

I am a dogminder and the invoice date is the drop off date in the Jotform

The invoice due date is the collection date.

I have no issue with the first date, but the second date it’s mixed up.

see screenshot:

In Jotform, the date is DD-MM-YYYY format:


In ZohoBook invoice it becomes MM-DD-YYYY+1yr (should be 12 September 2023)


I am at a loss on how to put it right. any advice? thanks, R

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hi @Resi 👋

It’s very odd that it’s adding a year. I wonder if it’s adding a year to the date of the due date because 12 September 2023 is a date that’s already passed? 🤔 Perhaps ZohoBooks doesn’t allow for back-dated invoices to be created via it’s API. 

With the day and month being switched around it could be that ZohoBooks is expecting to receive the date the MM-DD-YYYY format that it’s converting it to. In which case it might help to use a Formatter action to convert the date from DD-MM-YYYY to MM-DD-YYYY and then use that converted value in the ZohoBooks action. That should help to get it interpreting the dates correctly. You can learn more about how to use Formatter to convert date values into different formats here: Modify date and time formats in Zaps

Hope that helps to get you pointed in the right direction. If you run into any trouble on that or if there’s anything else I can assist with do let me know! 
