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Hi Zapier Team,


I was keeping getting the same error warning for all my Zaps! Could you please help me to deal with this issue? 

I checked my Jotform and there is no issue there actually.



Trigger partner failure: ('Jotform throttling', 60)

Hi @abm 

Good question.

I suggest opening a ticket with Zapier Support as it may be an integration bug:

Someone else recently posted about this same issue.


Also having the same issue as of a few days ago

I’m having the same issue!

Started a few days ago. I suspect Jotform is limiting the frequency of API queries coming from zapier, most likely per account. Zapier should be able to verify this by contacting them.

We’ve been receiving the same throttling errors as well which began suddenly on Mar 20,2023. Nothing has changed before then.

Hey friends, thanks so much for reaching out. It appears ya’ll are being impacted by a known Jotform bug. I’ve added everyone in this thread to that report and you’ll each receive an email once it’s closed.

We’ve contacted Jotform to inform them and will be sure to share any updates in the primary thread below:

In an attempt to streamline communication, I’ll be closing this thread for further comments. Feel free to subscribe to the main thread above though!

Thanks in advance for refraining from opening duplicate topics regarding this. We appreciate your help and patience!