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Archive action is successfully done by Zapier in the zap, yet the item isn’t actually archived when looking on Monday. Any idea why? I’ve ran the test item through this zap multiple times and the result is the same.

It sounds really frustrating to see that the archive action in Zapier shows as successful but doesn’t actually archive the items in Monday. Let’s figure this out!

First, check the permissions for the account connected to Zapier. If it doesn’t have the right access, the action might not complete as expected.

Next, make sure the items you’re trying to archive don’t have any specific conditions in Monday that prevent them from being archived. Sometimes, there are settings that need to be met for the action to work.

Also, try refreshing the Zap or even recreating it. A fresh setup can sometimes clear up any glitches. If you’re still having trouble, test with a new item to see if it archives correctly. This can help us determine if the issue is with specific items or something broader.

Let us know how it goes or if you have any more questions! Would the specific conditions you mention have been created by the user who made the board & board columns. Or could these be default settings done by Monday?


Great question! The specific conditions that might prevent items from being archived could be set by the user who created the board and its columns. They might have added rules or restrictions based on how they want the workflow to function.

However, also has some default settings that could affect how items are managed. For example, certain column types might have built-in behaviors that influence archiving. It’s a good idea to check both the custom settings from the board creator and any default settings that Monday applies.

If you have access to the board settings, you can review any rules or conditions that might be in place. Let us know if you need help figuring out where to look! I’m not seeing any settings or custom rules or permission issues, as the account connected is the owner of the account. All column types are also native Monday column types.


I also may not be looking in the correct spot, if you could guide me in checking specific settings or anything that might be blocking the archive from working I’d greatly appreciate it.


Thanks for the help already given too!


It sounds like you’ve done a thorough check already, which is great! Let’s dive a bit deeper into to see if we can find what might be blocking the archive action.

  1. Board Settings:

    • Go to the board where you’re trying to archive items. Click on the three-dot menu (or the board settings icon) in the top right corner. Look for any settings related to permissions or automations that might affect item archiving.
  2. Column Settings:

    • Check the specific columns in your board. Click on the column header and select "Column Settings." Ensure there are no restrictions or conditions set that could prevent archiving.
  3. Automations:

    • Review any automations that might be running on the board. Sometimes, automations can interfere with actions like archiving. Go to the "Automations" section and see if there are any rules that might be affecting the items you’re trying to archive.
  4. Item Status:

    • If you have a status column, check if the items you’re trying to archive are in a specific status that might prevent them from being archived. For example, if there’s a status like "In Progress," it might need to be changed to "Done" or another status before archiving.
  5. Filters:

    • Ensure that there are no active filters on the board that might be hiding items or affecting the archiving process. Clear any filters and try again.
  6. Testing with a New Item:

    • As a last resort, create a new item on the board and see if you can archive that. This can help us determine if the issue is with specific items or something broader.

If you check these areas and still can’t find the issue, let us know what you discover!
