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Background: In Wisepops, we have a two-step form set up. On the first step, a user is able to submit a CSAT score and open-ended feedback. On the second step, we ask a user another multiple choice question that has some custom logic set up. If they select one of the options, it unhides some additional optional fields for them to leave their contact information. 

Problem: We are routing the survey responses from this form to a few different places via Zapier - a Slack channel and a Google sheet. Ever since we added the 2nd step on the form, we are now getting two Zaps for each response, one after they finish the first step and another after (and if) they finish the second step. This form is completely optional, so there are scenarios where a user might just complete a single step. So the first Zap will send a slack message to the channel and create a new row in our spreadsheet with their CSAT score and any (optional) open-ended feedback they provided. The next zap will resend all that same data, but will also add in the data from the second step of the form, resulting in a lot of duplication and muddiness of our data.

Solutions I’ve tried: 

  • I have tried simply adding a delay to the Zap, so that it would maybe recognize a form submission with both steps complete as a single submission, and send all the data from that one submission at once instead of in two zaps, but that did not seem to work.
  • I was also told to try to add a ‘Find Spreadsheet Row’ step to see if the row exists yet and to add a path to only continue if it doesn’t return a result. However, a few issues that I have come across is that the ‘Lookup Spreadsheet Row’ option only allows two ‘Lookup’ columns, and I believe I would need more for this use case as there is a chance to have a lot of similarity between responses, and I want to make sure we are inadvertently removing any responses (i.e. if multiple users from the same location leave no written feedback, give a CSAT score of 5/5 on the same day and thus the row of their response would look almost identical, except for the IP address).

Anyways, I am a bit stuck now! All the other solutions I’ve attempted or ideas I’ve come up with seem like they might have the possibility of ignoring similar data submitted from different users, which I also don’t want! Any help or ideas of things to try would be much appreciated!

Thank you!!

Hi @UXResearcher31 

The GSheets API which can be used in a Zap step can support multiple search conditions:


Zapier Tables allows for up to 5 search conditions (I believe) in Find Record steps:


Airtable Find Record supports a Search Formula for multiple search conditions.
