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I am trying to do the following:
1/ Create slack channel based with name issue key & summary (Done)
2/ Invite "assigned designer", "creator" and "reporter" of the particular request to slack channel - screenshot 1


Issue: "Reporter" and "Creator" have email IDs however the "Assigned designer" just have display name (custom field 28530 - Martyna in screenshot)


3/ Invite the users in step 2/ to the created channel in step 1/ - screenshot 2

Issue: On test run, it says - "channel does not exist" however it does:no_mouth: probably I am already a part of that channel & I don’t have designers ID to test run this so cant figure out really - why it says so


NOTE: Data has been extracted via Jira webhook by using “Webhooks by Zappier” & using  “Issue data (automation format)” instead of “Custom data” on Jira as “Custom data” was not working for me.

Hi @RenuJ 

Thanks for reaching out to the Community!

I’m sorry to hear that your having trouble with your Zap.

Just to ensure I understand, could you kindly send screenshots of how you’ve configured the Zap so far? I want to ensure we're on the same page so I can point you in the right direction. (If there’s any personal information, kindly blur them.)

Also, have you tried to use what can be mapped for the “Assigned Designer?” If so, how did it go? Did you get an error?

Looking forward to your response!

Hi @RenuJ 

The email field expects only 1 email address.

If the email values across those fields can be the same, then you may need to do some deduping to only get the unique values.


The Channel field expects the internal Slack Channel ID, not the Slack Channel Name.