Hi @cb345
For us to have more context, post screenshots with how the steps are outlined and configured.
Hi @cb345, yes, some screenshots would be helpful. I’m going to guess one of two issues is at play.
- You aren’t getting all the properties/fields you want for the JIRA issue. In that case, you’d need to use the Find Issue step in JIRA, which should retireve more properties for you. Sometimes trigger steps receiving information only receive a limited amount of information.
- You need to retrieve multiple issues at once for the initial sync. I believe Airtable has a bulk import feature. You could export your JIRA issues into something like a CSV, then, import into Airtable. At that point, your two zaps should be good to go. As an issue is updated/created, it would find/create in Airtable and handle it accordingly.
Ryan Schweighart
Whole Hart Impact, LLC
I help businesses with Zapier and HubSpot.
An export didn’t cross my mind. Thanks!