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I am trying to follow the tutorial on setting up a Zap to Tweet all new Instagram posts, but the Twitter customisation screens I am seeing are completely different to the ones shown in the tutorial:


For example, the ‘Tweet Customized’ panel now appears as ‘Customize Tweet’ on my screen

I do not have the option to select ‘1. Caption Text’, but have to select ‘1.Caption <my instagram text appears here’.

And likewise for the image step, I do not have the option for ‘Step 1: Images standard resolution IRL’. If I select what appears to be the closest (Step 1: Media Type: IMAGE’, the Zap returns a ‘media type unsupported’ error on test.


Does the tutorial need updating? It appears to be only 8 months old.

Hi @Jothebulb, thanks for letting us know that that tutorial is a little out of date! I’ve passed that onto the relevant team so that they can update that asap. 


In the meantime, is there a specific part of your Zap that you’re having some trouble with? It sounds like it’s the part where you add the image to the post, is that right? 


If that’s the case, could you a) let us know where the image is coming from (what app is the image coming from?) and b) take a screenshot of the ‘Customize’ part of the Instagram step, so that we can see what you’re working with. Don’t forget to block out/remove any private info from the screenshot that you send!

fixed it. 

Just select media url and it will turn that into an image, fixed it. 


That’s great! I’m so glad that you were able to get this sorted and thanks for letting us know the solution 🙂