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Instagram error: "The request is missing a valid API key."

  • 9 October 2023
  • 2 replies


I am setting up a zap to automatically post on Instagram with the IG for business app. Everything works fine and all tests passed.. Just the latest step, I get the error: 

Failed to create a media in Instagram for Business The app returned "The request is missing a valid API key."

I don’t know where to add an API key and also from numerous tutorials on this workflow, it didn’t seem I need one. 

Can you help me? 


Best answer by phlllpp 9 October 2023, 21:46

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2 replies


found it again. wrong file input was provided to the IG App. 

misleading error message.. 

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Would you be able to provide the screenshots of how you setup your connection to instagram to create a post? I’m totally new to this and your query is the closest I can find on a potential example on how to set it up.  I’m actually doing a wordpress to instagram post but there are no actual examples of connecting to instagram business, only documentation which I don’t understand as I’m not techy enough!  thank you!
