
Incorrect Zaps when moving rows in googlesheets... Can Zapier table be a workaround?

  • 28 February 2024
  • 1 reply

Userlevel 1


We use googlesheets for management of our transportation routes and when an assigned driver has switched routes. When a route becomes inactive, we cut the row and paste it somewhere near the end of the spreadsheet with all the other inactive routes HOWEVER, we organize numerically, so adding between rows as well. When we add a route, we are entering in the middle of the spreadsheet going by numerical order.

I've tried many different work arounds- 1. A master sheet (doesnt work when moving rows), 2. Stricter filters within the zaps (do not zap if inactive) which is great, but its still zapping for the other green/active routes when an inactive row/route above it is moved to the bottom of the sheet 3. Zapier tables- importing data from the googlesheet with hopes of creating a filter from tables-- but also not working when we move rows 4. Google sheets integrating with airtable and from there work on the zap, but doesnt update corrctly in airtable

Any thoughts? The data is technically a duplicate so is there a filter i can add that says do not trigger if A=A? Or do not trigger if the row # is XXX+ 1 or XXX -1?

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1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hi there @danielle879235,

It looks like you have reached out to our Support Team regarding this issue. I’d recommend continuing the conversation with our Support Team via email since they have to correct tools to dig deeper in the logs and determine the cause of the issue.

I appreciate your patience and understanding.