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Image-Charts - can’t connect account

  • 2 March 2023
  • 1 reply

having this same issue. attempting to pair image-charts with zapier.

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hi there, @nilsTBM123! 👋

Hope you don’t mind me splitting your message out into a new topic here, but your issue appears to be related to the Image-Charts app specifically. So you’re not running into the same Printful bug that was discussed on the other topic.

Are you attempting to add a brand new connection with Image-Charts? Or are you reconnecting an existing Image-Charts app connection? Just wanting to check whether this is the first time you’re attempting to connect to Image-Charts or whether it was connecting successfully previously.

If you could share a screenshot of the exact error message you’re seeing when attempting to connect to Image-Charts that would be super helpful as we’re unable to see into your account. Thanks, we’ll be keeping an eye out for your reply here. Eager to help get this solved! 🙂
