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I am stuck at the testing part of setting up my zap. 

This is the second zap I am setting up in a week still with errors. I don’t know how to get the Instagram Graph URL that the zap is requesting. 


The link that was given as refresh looks like greek to me. 


I don’t know what I am doing can, someone help? 


I want my facebook post to automatically appear on Instagram (and then possibly on Youtube)


Please help. what Am i doing wrong? 


Hi @drcharles,


Can you tell us what error message you are getting when turning on this Zap? For security purposes, please obscure any sensitive information within the screenshot. Thanks.

I Actually dont know what to set in the paramters below to make it work. 

I inputted the Url of my instagram page but it returned an error. I dont know what is or how to get the

requested API for that page. 



Hi there @drcharles,

It looks like you’re using an advanced workaround to post to Instagram. 

Just to be upfront, the API Request Beta is considered an advanced feature, so our support for it may be more limited. Not because we don't want to help, but because APIs can be tricky to troubleshoot since we can't see what's happening on the other side. Every API that you send a request to is going to have slightly different structures that are required.

This makes it hard for us to know why the request may be receiving errors or not working as expected, beyond taking a general look at what's showing in Zapier.

Here are some helpful resources:

In the meantime, here’s where you can find the URL to paste on the “URL” field of the API Request Beta action:

Hopefully, this helps.
