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We have a Hubspot to Mailchimp zap running for a long time, but recently, we started receiving error message 


“Mailchimp ran into an error: Invalid Resource - The resource submitted could not be validated. For field-specific details, see the 'errors' array. email_address: xyz@abc52401 is not a valid email address.”

It's for some reason adding the contact ID along with the email and as a therefore the error message. I have tried fixing it several time following the troubleshooting steps and some other community discussions, but haven’t been able to fix it. 


Strangely, this Zap has been running for over a year, but it only started throwing this error recently. 


I’d really appreciate any advice / support with this. 


Hi @AJ01 

We will need to see screenshots with how your zap steps are outlined and configured along with the encountered error.

Thanks, @Troy Tessalone , please see below: 

In some cases when the Zaps do work, they are often missing all the information except the email of the contact. 








We would need to see screenshots with how your ‘Action’ section is configured for Step 2.


Hi @Troy Tessalone please see below, apologies, had to redact some personal information: 



The Email Address field expects a value of an email address.

Only this field should be mapped.



So how do the other fields such as First Name, Last Name, Company etc get mapped? Would I need to specify those as well? 


Make sure to use the correct Zap action: Mailchimp - Add/Update Subscriber


You had this selected.

