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I’ve tested two out of the three Hubspot Deal notification Zaps for Slack (i.e. New Deal, Deal Update) and I cannot get them to work. The tests work and send to the proper channel, they pick up and read the deal intended on testing (I can see the macros and associated data they bring up when testing the Zap). 

However, when I actually make updates in Hubspot, create new deals...nothing is sent to Slack. 

I’ve checked common issues and community and wasn’t able to find a helpful solution.

Hi @GeoFlip 

Most HubSpot Zap steps are scheduled, meaning those can take from 1-15 minutes to fire depending on your Zapier plan.


Check your Zap Runs for activity/errors:


Thanks, @Troy Tessalone,

However, I have checked the logs and the only runs logged are the test zaps. No other event has been logged. 


To help us have full context, post screenshots with how your Zap steps are outlined and configured.
