I have a hubspot crm as well as 3 tables in mysql
Table1 is the centralized tables where hubspot crm data as well as table2 will be synced into table1.
For all tables, table1 is the common.
I have made 3 zaps
zap1: from hubspot crm to mysql (If any new record is there)
Result: New contacts will be synced in table1
zap2: from hubspot to mysql (If there is any updates in the contacts from hubspot crm)
Result: Updated contacts will be synced in table1
zap3: From table2 to hubspot crm
Trigger column is email
any new email is found, it will trigger and the new record will be inserted into hubspot crm.
After that zap1 will detect that there is a new record in hubspot crm, it will trigger and the contact will be syned into table1.
I tested these logics. They are working but when I try to insert a bulk of records either by the bulk insert query or csv upload into table2. At that time, it only sync 3 to 4 contacts to hubspot crm. I don’t know from where the issue is coming. let me know if anyone is having an idea?