HubSpot error: Stuck on 'Contact Owner' in Google Sheets integration
Hi all,
My two Sales people use a Gsheet to track leads, which I want to Zap directly into Hubspot.
The problem is, I get stuck on the Contact Owner, which is just refusing to play nice.
Here is the sheet, for your reference:
sales man 1 is in red, sales man 2 is in yellow.
Here’s the Zap I’ve designed:
Here’s the formatter:
Here’s the ‘Get Owner by email’:
Here is the troubleshotting issue I keep encounting:
How on earth do I fix this?? I’ve read all the posts I thought could help but none of them seem to, and I’m sure this is a very simple fix. What am I missing here?
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Hi @phantaisia
You need to map the HubSpot Owner ID from Step 3 instead of the email address.
We would need to see screenshots with how your Zap step 4 is configured to have full context.
Thanks @Troy Tessalone! Here is Zap step 4
I’m going to switch the step 3 to Owner ID, but since there are two people - shoud I use the filter? This bit is where my brain goes foggy!
Zap 4 in full:
Here I have the correct owners with their IDs, but I need the Zap to be able to distibguish between both of them:
The Contact Owner field likely expects the Contact Owner ID rather than an email address.
Same for this field, which may expect a different value than the variable value you have mapped.
Hey @Troy Tessalone thanks!
Can you please explain to me what i should change/add so that my Zap understand when sales man Y puts a lead in to the gsheet, hubspot knows which Owner ID to use, and the same for sales man X? It’s driving me crazy.
This HubSpot step would return the HubSpot ID of the Owner.
So instead of mapping the Email from Step 3, map the ID of the Owner from Step 3.
Thanks! This is now my flow-
How do I now get the Zap to automatically choose which sales man to assign in Hubspot - what else is this Zap missing?
When I try to assign both ID numbers under ‘contact owner’ in step 5, the Zap breaks.
We would need to see how each Zap step is configured to have full context.
Thanks so much @Troy Tessalone , really not trying to drive you nuts!!!
Ok - here is each step, in all its glory:
step 2 - (not sure if this is redundant now)
step 3 - salesman 1:
step 4 - sales man 2 -
step 5 (as above except for now I have the two Hubsdpot IDs for the two sales men:)
Thank you!! I just can’t think what I’m doing wrong here...
A Contact can only have 1 owner.
The field expects 1 ID, not 2, so you’ll have to remove one of the mapped variables.
Make sure to check the field description for guidance.
THANK YOU!!! and then do I need to clone step 5 to step 6, repeating it for the other salesman? or will the Zap know to choose the other sales man automatically, based on the email it extracts in step 2???
When in doubt, test it out.
The Zap action steps will only process with the data points that are mapped to fields from previous steps or set/selected manually in fields, so you’ll need to make sure the data is configured correctly between Zap steps.
For live Zap Runs, check your Zap Runs history to see the DATA IN/OUT for each Zap step to help you troubleshoot:
Since it appears your GSheet row can only have 1 Salesman selected, you would only need 1 of these Zap steps: HubSpot - Get Owner by Email
That will return the HubSpot Owner ID.
You can map the HubSpot Owner ID to the Contact Owner field.
SUCCESS!!!! It works, thanks so so much for your help!