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I’ve successfully created a zap to trigger a automatic thank-you email to send to an email address that is entered in a Typeform.
Then now, I’ve been trying this and that for hours in vain to set another zap to track and list all the email addresses that bounce back from the thank-you email distribution in a separate google spreadsheet.

The first zap I tried is:

  1. New Email Matching Search (Gmail)
  2. Update Spreadsheet Row (Google spreadsheet)

Then I got stuck at “Row” section at the configure stage in step 2 since I it won’t load any option


The second zap I tried is:

  1. New Email (Gmail)
  2. Filter (by Zap)
  3. Formatter (by Zap)
  4. Update Spreadsheet Row (Google spreadsheet)

Then I got stuck at “Row” section at the configure stage in step 4 since I it won’t load any option. Actually, I don’t see input nor output value in the step 3 either.

Either zap properly filter emails that has the bounce related keywords in subject line for testing, but the second one seems not really extracting “email address” as I wanted to.

Please help me!

Hi and welcome to the Community ​@Yohko👋

Sorry to hear of the troubles with those Zaps. I’d suggest changing that Update Spreadsheet Row action to a Create Spreadsheet Row action instead. A Create Spreadsheet Row action will allow the Zap to add a brand new row to the spreadsheet instead of trying to update an existing one.

If it’s still not loading any column fields for you to map the necessary fields to, then it’s likely that the spreadsheet isn’t set up quite right—make sure the first row of the spreadsheet will need to contain the column header names (starting in column A). Check out our Work with Google Sheets in Zaps guide for more details on all the setup requirements.

Can you give that a try and let us know how you get on? 
