- As a zap user, i linked a google drive folder with an aws s3 bucket.
- The sync works as expected (if i add a file in google drive, it gets uploaded to the s3 bucket )
- I need to develop a tool that depends on how the sync in the zap works
- I need to know if zapier sync sends all files in bulk, or if it sends one file at a time if i, let’s say, add 10 files simultaneously to my google drive folder
- I have to build a queue system, but, depending on how zapier sync works, i have to implement some code in a lambda, or rather redirect the syncs to a different tool (webhook or step function or else)
- Determine if zapier sync sends a single request to upload multiple files, or single request per file
- If it sends one request per file, i do not have to implement anything, just throttle the lambda that is triggered
- If it sends a bulk request, i have to implement a drip/bucket queue system