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Hi everyone!


I’m currently working on a custom GPT and I want to use AI Actions to send an email with a file created by de GPT attached, but so far I have not been able to get the file attached, only the path given by the GPT is attached. The file in question is a Word document. Does anyone have any idea if this can be achieved and, if so, how? Thanks in advance!

Hi @JorgeBV, welcome to the Community! 🎉 

To help us get a better idea of what’s preventing the file from being attached as expected can you please share a screenshot of the current setup of your AI Action along with screenshots of any errors you’re seeing? Please remove/hide any private information (like names, emails, addresses etc.) from any screenshots before sharing.

Asking for screenshots as us folks here in the Community don’t have access to your account so screenshots will help to give us some more context on the current set up and better allow us to see what changes might need to be made in order to get it working. Thanks, I look forward to your reply! 😁

Hi Sam! Here is a screenshot of the setup of my AI Action.

I’m not getting any error or warning message; the email is sent, but when I check the attachment of it, its a text file only with the path of the Word document created by the GPT (For example “/mnt/data/The_Garden_of_Life_Tale.docx”). I’ve tried telling the GPT to use the download link it creates for the document to download it and attach it to the email but it didn’t work either.

Thanks for sending over that helpful screenshot of the action’s setup @JorgeBV. I’m really sorry about missing your reply here!

Hmm, it looks like the file path it’s using is a relative path rather than the full file path. Perhaps the GPT’s instructions need to be a bit more specific to get it to use the full file path? I’d also suggest adding those specific instructions into the ###Rules section of the GPT’s instructions to ensure it takes more notice of them.

Can you give that a try and let me know if that helps to get it attaching the file correctly?
