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@Troy Tessalone I have a multi step zap that triggers once a job has been created in Service Fusion. It contains the job status, start date/start time and whether or not it has a deposit, this information can also be blank and its dependent on where the job is at in the process. This information is being copied to Smartsheet as a row.  I want Zapier to update row’s should any of the information change.

For example for if the first row job status changes from Unscheduled to Scheduled and also changes add’s the start/end date/time.

On the second row would change the deposit from $0.00 to the deposit amount once it occurs and also fills in the invoice #1 column.

Ultimately I want to know if I should Find/update row function at the end of multi step zap or if i need to create a separate zap based off of these triggers in Service since I do have that option. See screen jobs of Service Fusion and Smartsheet triggers.






Service Fusion




Hi @LAndersen2210 

You probably need 2 Zaps with different triggers/actions


For the Zap trigger, the only trigger available for Job updates is related to the Job Status.


Options to use APIs in Zaps:


thanks @Troy Tessalone I thought that new row update in SS would do the trick




Ah, yeah give that a try!
