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Hotjar and Slack - Page Response URL outputs as NULL

I’m baffled by this because this was working a week ago, here it goes. 


I’ve set up a Zap that monitors for new Hotjar survey responses, and sends a Slack message containing the responses including the page from which the response was collected (Zapier shows this variable as “Page Response URL”). Since yesterday, the Page Response URL has been showing up as NULL value in the Slack message. 

In the Edit Zap interface, I can see that the variable has a value: 

When I test the step, the Slack message shows up fine, like so: 

but when a real Hotjar response comes in (not a test) the URL comes out as NULL.

I’ve tested this further by removing the rest of the message text and just leaving the variable number. When a response came up, I received this email notification from Zapier, confirming that the variable does indeed return a NULL, even when the Zapier interface shows it as non-empty: 

I’m suspecting that this is a bug -- considering it’s been working in the last couple of weeks. We haven’t changed anything in the Zap recently that could have caused this. 

Anybody know how to fix/troubleshoot this issue?



Best answer by SamB 31 May 2024, 11:32

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18 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +6

Hey @skyelle ,


What message are you trying to send on Slack? Is it just 2 hyperlinks? or there is more? Can you share the whole screen?



There’s more, but I’ve already isolated the problem by removing the rest of the message, and just including the Page Response URL variable. Following that, I received an error message saying my Message field was empty (see below) -- which confirms that the variable does indeed return a NULL value. 

It was also working fine in the last several weeks. 


Userlevel 6
Badge +6

Can you do 1 thing?


The 2 HTML links which you have mapped in Slack message, can you copy those 2 and paste here? You will have to copy from trigger test data



I don’t think I’m allowed to --
but I can tell you that it happens with other URLs too. The Hotjar link works though. 

Userlevel 6
Badge +6

Ok, if you can’t share information here than please reach out to Zapier team here . They will be able to debug your issues easily over Zapier support.

Userlevel 1

Hello, the same is happening to me.


Since May 18th , we are not receiving the tag page_response_url and our integrations are running bad. (between Zapier to Slack)


Data until may 17th (see file good.png)

After (see file bad.png)



Thanks for the response. Checked the URLs, there are no trailing spaces. Like we mentioned - it was working fine before. Our zaps just stopped working all of a sudden.

  • ❌ Doing a Test Action seems to work, but not when the Zap is automatically triggered by any new survey responses
  • ❌ Tied re-creating the Zap -- still the same issue.
  • ❌ Tried reconnecting both Hotjar and Slack -- still the same issue.
  • ❌ Tried creating a Zap that outputs each survey response into a Google Sheet -- still the same issue. Zapier doesn’t seem to be forwarding the URL string.
Userlevel 1

Reconnecting to Hotjar and Slack worked for me 😎

Thank you so much!

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hi there folks! 👋

@Len - really glad to hear reconnecting your Hotjar account helped to get the page_response_url field appearing again. Thanks so much for taking the time to circle back in here and share this information with the Community! 🙌

@skyelle - seems like it might be worth reconnecting your HotJar accounts to see if that fixes things for you too. Can you give that a try and let us know whether that does the trick? 

Looking forward to hearing how it goes! 🤞

@SamB No, reconnecting both Hotjar and Slack doesn’t work. Mentioned it in my last message. 

I’ve been trying to reconnect them every morning now -- it’s still not working. We’ve paused the integration for now and are considering an alternative to Zapier that might work more reliably.

Userlevel 1

Hello @SamB .  Now we are having the same problem that @skyelle said. After reconnecting to HotJar and Slack it works well and then we stop receiving the tag page_response_url . 

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Sorry to hear that @skyelle and @Len. I’ve done some further digging and discovered that our Support team have now opened up a bug report for this issue.

I’ve added you both to that bug report to help increase it’s priority. I can’t make any promises around when it will be resolved by but you’ll both get an email notification from us as soon as it’s resolved. 

If we come across any potential workarounds or have any updates we’ll be sure to share details of them in the thread here. Thank you both for your patience in the meantime.

Userlevel 1

Thank you so much @SamB I’ll wait for updates about the issue. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

You are most welcome @Len. Thanks so much for your understanding on this, it’s very much appreciated! 🤗

If there’s anything else we can assist with in the meantime please do let us know.

Userlevel 1


I hope you're doing well.

I wanted to check in on the status of the issue we've been experiencing. Unfortunately, the problem is still occurring. Could you please provide an update on this?

Thanks a lot! 😊

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hi @Len,

I've reviewed the bug report, and it looks like the bug is still open, and Hotjar is still trying to fix this issue.

I also suggest getting in touch with Hotjar about this issue, as they are responsible for maintaining and updating their integration in Zapier.

I hope this information helps. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

It sounds frustrating to suddenly encounter this issue. Here’s a concise response:

It appears there may be a bug causing the "Page Response URL" variable from Hotjar to output as NULL in your Slack messages via Zapier, despite showing a value in the Zapier interface during tests. Since you haven’t made recent changes to your Zap, this could indeed indicate a bug or a temporary issue with the integration. To troubleshoot, you might try:

  1. Refreshing Integration: Re-authenticate or reconnect Hotjar and Slack within Zapier.

  2. Check Hotjar Settings: Ensure Hotjar is correctly capturing and sending the page response URLs.

  3. Zapier Support: Reach out to Zapier support for assistance, as they can provide insights into recent updates or issues affecting your Zap.

These steps should help in resolving the issue or identifying if there’s a broader technical problem.

Userlevel 6
Badge +4

Hey @sam0090,


Thank you for sharing a workaround regarding this error. We appreciate your contribution to our Community.
