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Ive just created an app and Im trying to set up my links between Zapier and external sites like Eventbrite but I keep getting an error message to ‘leave a comment first’. What does that mean and how do I sort it out?

Im no tech expert so lamens terms for me please?



Hi @MHMHub 

Good question.

Please post screenshots to provide more context about where you are encountering the error.

Hi @MHMHub Anne-Marie, 


We’re here to help (especially if you’re getting started, we’re great at that!). To Troy’s point above, it will help us greatly if we can see a quick printscreen of what you’re working on. To be completely honest, I’m not sure where you may see leaving a comment as a required action, so seeing what you’re working with would be super helpful for us!


Let us know, and we’ll get you on the right track. 

