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Having Formatting Issues with Text Formatter

Hey All, 


I am currently feeding data into Mojo that is inconsistent when it comes to formatting or capitalization. They are addresses for properties but many times the town is written in all capital letters (i.e.:  123 First St. THISTOWN, NJ) & the Street is written in the correct format & what I am trying to do is have the format be 123 First St. Thistown, NJ when it feeds into my CRM through the formating Zap.

The same applies for names of the owners, as many times there are 2 owners which when combined & sent through the Zap is filling in the owners First & Last Names in the First Name Field of my CRM. 

Address Example of Raw Data:


Zap Results as per Test through Text Forrmatter by Zapier:


Name Example of Raw Data:


However, this is how it is still showing up in my CRM:

  • First & Last Name ALL in the First Name Field...


Town still being CAPATILIZED... 



I have set up this Zap and passed all the tests and when I look at the information that the tests are kicking out it seems correct, however when I go into my system and check on the data it is importing incorrectly as it is originally showing up (screenshots provided above).

Basically, what I am trying to do is split the owners first & last names to their respective fields in my CRM as screenshooted, but currently when it is going through the Zap the first & last name filter in combined in the First Name Field & the same goes for the address, when I open the address in my CRM the city is still written in all capital letters which is not what the Zap test Results are showing for both cases in Zapier.

I hope this makes sense and I've imported a sample of what it looks like, I am not sure if this is a setup error on my end or if it is even doable based on the apps that I am using and the Zap integration.


Thanks & I hope someone can assist! 🙏



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Best answer by Troy Tessalone



The 1. First Name indicates this variable is mapped from Step 1.

If you want data mapped from a different step (e.g. a Formatter step), then you will need to select that data point when mapping dynamic variables using the ‘custom’ option.


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Troy Tessalone

Hi @lkre 

Make sure to map the output variables from each Formatter step to the respective fields in the CRM step.

Perhaps post screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured for sending data to the CRM, thanks.

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  • January 3, 2022

Hey @Troy Tessalone I did, meaning I mapped where I want the split fields to go. Please see a screenshot of the setup below & let me know if you see anything wrong with it that stands out…



Let me know if you’d like to see the individual setups as well. 


Thanks for your help so far!

Troy Tessalone

Hi @lkre 

We would need to see screenshots with how you have each Zap step configured with the mapped variables, thanks.

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  • January 3, 2022

Hey @Troy Tessalone Please see all screenshots in order











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Troy Tessalone
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  • January 4, 2022



The 1. First Name indicates this variable is mapped from Step 1.

If you want data mapped from a different step (e.g. a Formatter step), then you will need to select that data point when mapping dynamic variables using the ‘custom’ option.


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  • January 4, 2022

@Troy Tessalone Is there anyway to setup a walkthrough or jump on a call/video with anyone at zapier? I’m misunderstanding or don’t know what that means & would want to review live.


Thanks for your help thus far. 

Troy Tessalone


Consider hiring a Zapier Expert:

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@Troy Tessalone Thanks I will look into that as it might help. To clarify, below is the screenshot I think you are referring to…

In the above, I am looking to pull in the Full Name from the Mojo App bc that app places the person First & Last Name as one & doesn’t have a first & last name differentiator so there I am trying to have is be split up from that app (Mojo) so when it sends to Follow Up Boss it will split & populate the First Name Field to: Margaret & Paul and the Last Name Field to: xxxx in Follow Up Boss, at least that’s the intention behind this.


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Troy Tessalone


You need to map the output from the 2 Formatter Steps (Step 2 and Step 3) to subsequent Zap steps.

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  • January 4, 2022

@Troy Tessalone Yes! I re-reviewed it & understand what you mean. I will test is out in the morning with new incoming leads. I appreciate your time & help on this 🙏

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  • January 4, 2022

Hey @Troy Tessalone just tried & the same issue persists for both address & the name splitting/formatting we have been discussing. I’ve added a screenshot of the new mapping that the Formatter by Zapier kicks out which is the right thing, but once it hits my CRM (Follow Up Boss) using the Zap - Create or Update Contact without triggering an Action Plan, it does the same thing & does not update or Create the contact


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  • January 4, 2022

@Troy Tessalone ok, got it to work but when it works it is not doing what I want it to. It is basically creating two entries now in my CRM one the wrong way as it has been & another <unspecified> with a blank lead page with just the name being split.

 The <unspecified> one has the correct first/last name split changes, while the other ‘Expired’ lead & the one I want as it has ALL the other information relevant to the lead that flows in on the form is not doing as the zap instructed.

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Troy Tessalone


Make sure to check out the description underneath each field.


In the FUB step to Create/Update Contact there is this note for the description field:


If you don’t map an email address to search by, then it will always create a new contact in FUB.

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  • January 4, 2022

@Troy Tessalone Ahh, i see that. I don’t think this will work as I want it to then. I will need to stick with the way that it is as I don’t always have the email for these leads even after my convo with them, or at least not at that point.