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Hi, im looking to create a custom action through Zapier for chatGPT that takes in a PDF from an email and analyzes it. The code for the custom action is showing a PDF input but the field does not exist. The copilot also says that it should be showing but no luck in testing or being able to upload/input a PDF anywhere.

Can someone help?


Hi @Resolve 

For us to have more info, post screenshots showing how your Zap steps are outlined and configured in EDIT mode along with any errors.

Hi there @Resolve! 👋 

How are things going, did you manage to get this solved? 

If yes, would you be up for taking a few minutes to share what the solution was? This would be super helpful to others coming across this thread with similar issues. 🤗

If no, can you share some screenshots, as Troy mentioned, of the current set up so we can take a closer look? Make sure to blur or remove all personal information (names, emails, addresses etc.) from screenshots before sharing here though.

Looking forward to hearing from you on this!
