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Hi, I recognize a similar question was posed here, but I did not understand the response.


I have the File upload feature in my Typeform and it allows people to upload pictures from their desktop to Typeform. I also would like these same pictures to show up on my Google slides.


Unfortunately, when I export to Google Slides, all I see is a URL:


When I independently try to click on the url, I get: 

{"code":"AUTHENTICATION_FAILED","description":"Authentication credentials not found on the Request Headers"}

Is there a straightforward way to transfer the pics?

Hi @justice4ichigo, welcome to the Community!

It seems like the file needs you to be logged into Typeform to view it. In order to send the image files over to Google Slides the files would need to be publicly-accessible

If you’re able to change it so that files are always publicly-accessible then that should allow Google Slides to access the image files correctly. Are there any settings in Typeform that would allow you to disable the need to be logged in to view the files? 

I’m eager to help get this sorted, please let us know whether you’re able to find the necessary settings in Typeform! 🤞