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Hey everyone,


I have been trying to connect the discord username entered into a google sheets document to automatically apply a specific role to the according user on my Discord server. 

I have entered a “Find User” step, and it successfully finds them with no issue. Yet I always get error 400 at the end, and I have done everything the troubleshooting suggests (i.e., Verify user role and IDs, and make sure the Zapier bot in the discord server has the correct permissions + high enough role to manage other roles). 


I will post screenshots below, if there is anything more you would like to see I would be happy to share it.


Thank you,




Hi @nightclub 

For us to have more info, post screenshots showing how your Zap step is configured in EDIT mode so we can see the field types/descriptions.

Hi Troy,


Thank you for your response. I have blurred certain pieces of info as I would like to remain somewhat private, I hope that’s alright.


The full process (bottom->top chronological order):



Help link to follow for expected values in dropdown fields:

The User field expects the Discord User ID, which is a numeric value.


Thank you very much for your help! It worked!

