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Dear Community,

I am trying to implement the following Zap:

“Add custom role to user in inSided when new or updated spreadsheet row (team drive) in Google Sheets”


I basically want to bulk-assign one role to 200+ users.

Use case: I have a list of 200+ participants of an online event, and I want to assign them an inSided custom role in order to “tag” them with a specific custom role (e.g. AMA attendees) so I can view some user analytics for this group and see if their community usage has increased. 
(May be interesting for our Zapier Community Managers too, since we use the same tool ) 😇


So here is an example of the spreadsheet


Column A has the email, column B a user ID (as a formula, gathered via VLOOKUP) and column D the user ID ( no formula but rather text only, basically it’s a Shift+Cmd+V of column B.)


Here is my setup


Now I wanted to test it


But I am getting the following error


Any idea what the error could be? Am I missing something?

This is my very first Zap.



thanks so much in advance for your help!



Hi @Community Dani 


From what I can see in the Zap Editor, the value for Col D is Blank and its a required field. This just means that the test row from the trigger doesn't have a value in Col D. Its probably the very last row in Google Sheets (probably an empty row). 


What you would do is delete all the rows that are currently empty in the Google Sheet then reload new test data in the Trigger. This should work. 


Alternatively, I would actually use Airtable for something like that. 

Hi @MohSwellam thank you so much for your quick reply!

I deleted all of the blank rows, but I get the same error.

Any idea what it could be now?

Side-question: the condition is “when new or updated spreadsheet row (team drive) in Google Sheets”

Do I need to update a row while I do the testing for this to work? Because as of now, the sheet already contains all the date.


Alternatively, I would actually use Airtable for something like that. 

Unfortunately we don’t have an Airtable account, so I would like to keep this on Zapier.

FYI it still says no data even though literally every row in COL D contains data.


@Community Dani 

Check the Row/ID that is returned in the Zap trigger step to help you troubleshoot which Row’s data is being used.

Hi @Community Dani 


Just to be clear, I was suggesting Airtable as an alternative to Google Sheets, not to Zapier 😁


After deleting the empty rows, did you go back to the Trigger and Load More test data? 


And yes, it is a good idea to add a new row (maybe copy an existing row) then click on Load More. 


Thank you @Troy Tessalone I’ll keep that in mind!


@MohSwellam thank you for adding that last screenshot - I only now realized that, after making the changes, I had to go back to 1. (Trigger) and edit the settings in there too! (not just the “Action” step)
rookie mistake ;)

Thank you for your help! You guys are the best!