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Hi all, I’ve been using Google Sheets to Wordpress Post, with zapier, and its been working great. However I have a few questions for what doesn’t work well.


I get an error if i try to align category field and tag fields to a cell in the Google Sheets to fetch from. The error i get doesn’t describe the issue. My only assumption is that the information in the cells dont match the existing categories or tags on my wordpress. Is this correct that an error will appear preventing connections due to this?

Hi @Teabone 

Good question.

You likely need to use the WordPress internal IDs for the Categories and Tags, rather than friendly names.

Thanks for the response Troy,

I’m wondering how I can trouble shoot this. Very curious if its actually scanning what categories and tags I have in wordpress.. and comparing those text fields to whats on the Google Sheets and if there is one mismatch… it errors.

Perhaps I’ll try making a shorter mock-up Google Sheet with less rows for it to scan and use only exact matching categories and tags and see if it passes the test. If not I’ll report back.

Okay so I did a test Google Sheet of only 4 rows and I only entered the exact name and case of the tags into the column and it still returns the error: “ Status Code 403 Bad Request “ during test.


I can a Zapier formatter on the column to convert them to lower case which would make them look exactly like their Wordpress Id/slugs and still get error during tests.

Okay you are correct the ID its looking for is actually a number. It seems tags only work with numbers. The problem for me with categories is that I am using a drop-down list of over 100 countries. Zapier’s look up table filter only allows me to enter them one by one…

Hey there, @Teabone! I wanted to swing by and see if you were still needing help with this? If so I wonder if it would speed things up to put your lookup table in Google Sheets?
My friend Sam wrote up an awesome workaround for that here:

Let us know how this works for you! 

Hey @Teabone! Just checking in one last time. How are things going with setting up this workflow? Were the suggestions in this thread helpful? How else can we help out? Let us know!

Hey folks! Just coming in here to summarize the thread. Troy is correct in regards to why you were getting that error:

You likely need to use the WordPress internal IDs for the Categories and Tags, rather than friendly names.

From there, if it’s too tedious to enter that many values into the Lookup Table, your next best bet would be the advice Christina offered:

I wonder if it would speed things up to put your lookup table in Google Sheets?
My friend Sam wrote up an awesome workaround for that here:

Let us know how this works for you! 

