
Google Groups "auth is expired"

  • 15 January 2024
  • 2 replies

Hi I am trying to connect my account for Google Groups but I keep getting this error message:

“This auth is expired. Please reconnect it here.”

The odd part is that this connection works if I use a different email/domain. Could it be because the domain I am trying to connect is a subdomain of another one?

Any help would be great, thank you! 



2 replies

I meant to say “Second Domain.” Not “Sub”

Userlevel 7
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Hi there @RecoNYC,

Welcome to the Community! 🎉

The Google Group app requires the domain for your GSuite account. In this case, it would require the domain the particular account is under and we'll need to ensure that you're also an admin for the particular domain. For example, your email is if is your GSuite domain, and where the group is added, that is what we would need to add here. 

Once the correct domain is added, you should be able to add an account with admin privileges moving forward.
