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I want a google form response to trigger a new Asana project AND new tasks within that project. Is this possible? I tried to add a task creation zap to my existing project creation zap, but I’m getting an error.

The app returned `{"message":"Unable to fetch custom fields for this project. Status 400: {\"errors\":"{\"message\":\"project: Not a Long: FB Ad - Test Form Response - 02-03\",\"help\":\" 

Above “FB Ad - Test Form Response - 02-03” is the title I assigned to the project that is created through the initial zap. Each new form response will need a unique project title.

Is it possible to create both an asana project and a set of tasks (or at least 1 task) using a zap?

Hi @jrc2228 

Good question.

For clarity and context, please provide detailed screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured along with the encountered errors, thanks.

I’m not sure if that will help, but here’s what I have so far. I assume the issue is that I am both making the project and adding tasks w/ this zap. It seems like the task creation zap won’t work because it can’t find the project to add tasks to in Asana. Help?




We’d need to see how your Zap Step 3 is configured.

Make sure to map the returned Project ID from Step 2 to Step 3 using the ‘Custom’ option.


How can I get the project ID if the project is being created as part of the same zap?

I did select the new project when setting up the task creation zap, but that doesn’t seem to work.


The Project ID will be returned from Step 2.

The Project field expects the Project ID, instead of the Project Name.


Is it supposed to be one of the below IDs? If so, when I add the ID as custom when setting up the task creation zap, it tells me no data was found.





Use the this GID nested under new project.


I tried that, but I’m still getting the same “no data” issue.


You need to dynamically map the Project ID from Step 2. (expand this to see the variable to map from step 2)

What is shown below is a hardcoded/static value


I don’t see any options to dynamically map the Project ID from Step 2. Can you explain how to do that in more detail? Thanks!


Same as your did here:

Instead you would map New Project GID.


Thank you!!! This worked!

Thanks for letting us know, @jrc2228. I’m so glad to hear Troy was able to help you solve this by suggesting to select the Project GID field using the Custom value option here! 😁🎉