
Google Drive error: The app returned "File not found"

  • 1 April 2024
  • 1 reply

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I am trying to upload images to Google Drive when our Project Manager updates daily Logs on JobTread. I have built out the zap to take the file uploaded to JobTread, filter for it being a “daily log” file. I then “Find a Folder” in Google drive, finally “Upload File”


My tests are successful up until the last step. I am able to get the file from JobTread, filter, Find a Folder, but I am not able to then upload the file to that folder. I am using the “Title” from the Find a Folder step, but it is returning an error saying “File Not Found”


Through these tests I have seen the file uploaded to My Drive, but it is not uploading to the correct Shared Drive Folder.



1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @SamM1997 

The Folder expects a Folder ID rather than a Title.

