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Google Calendar error: Error from halted execution, nothing could be found for the search.

I am trying to pull some events from the calender and add new members to it .These events do exist in the Google Calender ,but when I try to fetch the events , it either gives me an error or shows me the wrong event type .

Exhibit A



Exhibit B



Event On Google Calender :


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2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @Jeff12 

Check the field descriptions for possible guidance.

Try putting double quotes around the Search Term input field value.

Specifically for the Start Time Before and End Time After


Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hi @Jeff12, thanks for joining the Community! 🎉

Were you able to get it sorted by using double quotes around the search term as Troy suggested? 

Eager to ensure this gets resolved so please do let us know whether or not you’re in need of further assistance here. 🙂